Eritrea: Isaias Afwerki and his inner circle

2019-11-11 10:06:10 Written by  Jeune Afrique Published in English Articles Read 2454 times

By Jeune Afrique

Posted on Thursday, 7 November 2019 16:51

Issayas Afeworki © REUTERS/Feisal Omar

Despite the lifting of UN sanctions in 2018, Eritrea remains diplomatically isolated.

And its rapprochement with Ethiopia has not contributed to the relaxation of the regime that President Issayas Afeworki introduced in 1993.

Still as secret as ever, he is surrounded by the faithful, who have accompanied him since independence.

Here are a few of the key personnel in Team Issayas.

Yemane Ghebreab

Yemane Ghebreab © UN Photo

A loyal and discreet political advisor, Yemane Ghebreab is originally from the Agame and is a Member of the Popular Front for Democracy and Justice (FPDJ), Eritrea’s sole and ruling party. He studied in the United States, where he joined the student wing of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), now rebranded as the FPDJ.

Hagos Ghebrehiwot

Ghebrehiwot is Head of the Economic Affairs Section of the FPDJ and CEO of Hidri, a consortium founded by Afeworki that brought together the country’s private companies. As the president’s financial manager, he already managed the EPLF’s money, which earned him the nickname “Kisha” (“bag of potatoes”).

Abraha Kassa

Abraha Kassa © all rights reserved

As Director of the National Security Agency intelligence services, Kassa is also in charge of the president’s security. Ethiopia accused him of organizing Asmara’s support for the terrorist group Al-Shabaab in Somalia, an allegation he has denied.

Yemane Ghebremeskel

Yemane Ghebremeskel © all rights reserved

Ghebremeskel —nicknamed “Charlie” — manages Afeworki’s communication and has been Minister of Information and Government Spokesman since 2015. He was appointed Chief of Staff in 1993 when Eritrea gained independence. He has a degree in mathematics from Imperial College, London.


Last modified on Monday, 11 November 2019 11:10