Promoting the Concept of Grassroots Movement: the Strategy of Bottom-up & the Role of the Media

2016-01-01 23:15:53 Written by  By Goitom Emam Published in English Articles Read 3550 times

"Change won't come from the top; Change will come from mobilized grassroots." Barack Obama

Markeng and promong new concept or idea is very important in order to persuade & get people’s attention and support. Many corporations fail not because they do not possess a good product, but because they fail to market their product. Millions of Dollars is spent every year by big corporations for adversement. To sell an idea or concept such as the “Bottom-Up Grassroots’ Movement”, you need to have a clearly defined concept; you need a promoter, and a medium (media outlets) and audience that can buy the idea. Clearly defined concept needs to be clear and easy to understand by people. You need promoters who are skillful enough to carry the message, convey or sell the idea. You need to have a media outlet that can relay your message to the general public. Of course, you need to have an audience that is interested in your ideas. I think most of us try to sell new ideas without knowing these important components. 

Most of us, we want the Media outlets to run our ideas without even contributing or parcipating in their fund raising campaign. After all, the very existence of these media outlets depends on funds collected from individuals. If your audiences are in Eritrea, you need a media outlet such as Assenna, Medrek, Radio Wegahta and Radio Erena that are proven to have the capability of broadcasng that reach the homeland. In this information age, we also need to be technologically savvy enough to use the social media to reach to a larger audience and demographics. 

My article will mainly concentrate on the concept and the need of Media or media outlets in relaying and selling the concept and what need to be done to advance our cause. 

The Last Two Years Effort in Promoting the Concept

In the last two years, the Eritrean association for Jusce (EAJ), an Indianapolis local chapter of the Eritrean grassroots movement has written many articles and published multiple magazines in Tigrinya in an attempt to promote the idea or concept of bottom-up strategy, as well as to nurture the Grassroots movement as an alternative means for tackling the Eritrean problem. In addition, in order to lay a common groundwork for the grassroots movement, a “Working Together on a Local Level” principle was adopted on March of 2012 in Indianapolis. Later on in September of 2013, a drafting committee was formed and prepared a document (platform), which supports the need for establishing a bottom-up strategy for grassroots movement. The Eritrean Association for Jusce circulated to the general public its initial draft and ratified goals and by-laws in November and December of 2013 during the formation  of the Eritrean Associaon for Justice (EAJ) in Indianapolis. During the year of 2014 alone, EAJ had held about 6 public meetings in Indianapolis and also were published in the major websites

About 16-18 cities/localities formed a Temporary Representative Regional Council (2 individual representatives from each city). The Temporary Representative Regional Council then elected a temporary coordinating committee in an attempt to work together on a Regional level. Currently as broadcasted on Assenna, a regional draft is finalized which entails common goals, strategy, roadmap etc. for people to discuss and improve the draft on a local level (cities). Many other local chapters, individuals such as Amanuel Iyasu, Dr. Araia Debesai, Memhir Ibrahim Mohammed, Mr. Ashiel and groups such as “Our Voice” also have written and advocated about the need of Grassroots Movement on different occasions. Wedi Vacaro also played a positive role in advancing the cause during his tour in North America and Europe.  Amanuel of Assenna is playing a pivotal role in articulating why we need a People’s Grassroots Movement. 

On my part, as the 2014 year EAJ chairperson, I did a presentaon in the Smerr Paltak room and explained about the concept and our ratified document, as well as answered questions posed by participants.  I, as a former member of the North-America Temporary Coordinating Committee, and two of my colleagues were interviewed, and the content of the interview was broadcasted over the air to the public by Radio Assenna. Further, on March 24, 2014, I participated in the DC Conference panel discussion for which I advocated for working together through a grassroots movement in order to save the nation and its people from further devastation. In addion, at the end of August of 2015, in my status as a spokesperson of EAJ, I attempted to promote the idea of bottom-up strategy, as well as explained all the challenges that the Grassroots movement is facing during my interview with Samuel Ghebrehiwet of Medrek.  

Yet, despite all the efforts we made, it seems either the majority of the Eritrean People were not paying attention or we were failing to explain about the concept of Grassroots Movement, which is the bottom-up strategy.  Honestly though, it is not for lack of effort on our part as some might think. On the contrary, and based on the questions posed to Amanuel during his presentation in Smerr room, it appears many people haven’t read the Tigrinya articles, including magazines such as Fithi that the EAJ so far published. Some of the problems might be attirbuted to language barrier while others are simply to lack of interest in reading materials in print. It stands to reason then majority of people prefer to listen to radio rather than reading magazines or articles in print. I don’t know whether this is political, social and demographic in nature or not, but reading books, magazines, newspapers or articles in print is declining in our Diaspora society. The danger is if all magazines and articles are not read over the air on radio Assenna, Medrek, Dimzi Delina, Radio Erena or other independent Media, it becomes very unlikely to sell/market the concept. The point is it is imperative that mass participation in the struggle is decisive both through listening to radio and reading materials in print. 

I appreciate Assenna and Medrek for hosting and helping us promote the concept without us asking them to do so. At the same time, I appeal to them and the other media outlets to conntiue to help in promoting the idea so that our people can work together for the same objective. We also call upon the public to be supportive in raising funds to the independent media. 

Understanding the Bottom-Up Concept/Strategy and its Hierarchies

We need to recognize the bottom-up strategy is a deep-rooted concept in the cultural and political fabric of Eritrean society. It gives power to the localities where the people reside. Decision is made democratically based a workable agreement of the local people. Every citizen has the opportunity to participate or involve in the political power decision-making process regardless of the citizen’s political Party affiliation. And this is the beauty of democracy in which the society is put on an equal level or footing to secure their liberty and equality. After all, those are the reasons why the Eritrean people fought for thirty years against foreign occupiers.

In order to have a Global People’s Congress whose main task will be to represent the people in Diaspora, we need to start from the local level where the power of the people resides. We cannot short cut the process for polictial expediency purposes. As we all know, individuals (members and/or leaders) who are affiliated with political organizaons live within the local people and they do have the right to participate in the local process unless they opted-out voluntarily as some did in Indianapolis area. The localities will then democratically elect representatives who will represent the city/locality based on proportional representation in relation to the size of the region. The sub-regions/regions will also have the same procedure and elect their Regional Representatives to be members of the Global People’s Congress.

For simplicity and for illustration purposes, let’s assume there are only 5 cities in Germany so that we all can understand the bottom-up Grassroots movement structure and relationship between the 4 stages or hierarchies reflected below: 

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To avoid the confusion whether there is a need of a Region vs. a Sub-Region, my view is it will depend on the composion of the region. We can use a sub-region also for horizontal networking among localities for mutual cooperation and to facilitate common project (such as seminars, demonstration, festivals etc…). I do believe continents such as Europe, a hierarchy of a sub-region is necessary as depicted in the hierarchy above. This might not be necessary in North America unless you split Canada and US as two sub-regions. Either decision, it is up to the localities to decide and agree. I am just explaining the available options not to dictate the right of the people or take away the right of the locality. 

Grassroots Movement vs. Medrek Initiative

On the surface, there seem to be two competing ideas emerging in the Eritrean opposition as a means to overthrow the Eritrean dictatorial regime and to establish a smooth  transition process towards constutional democratic governance.  On one hand, the ongoing initiative by The Forum or “Medrek N’Zete” is an attempt to bring all political organizations, civil associations…etc together for the achievement of common goals & objectives in the struggle against PFDJ. On the other hand, the ongoing bottom-up approach of the Eritrean People’s Grassroots Movement which is already adopted by about 16 cities in North America and some cities in Europe such as in England, Germany, Swiss and the Netherlands etc.…. 

Unlike some who prematurely criticize the “Medrek N’zete’s initiative, I, for one, would like to encourage them to continue to facilitate dialogue especially among the Eritrean political organizations on how to work together towards a common agreeable objectives by adopting a common strategy, roadmap and work plan. To me, I do not care who takes the initiative. What is important is the end result agreeable to all stakholders and the general public. If we are naysayers all the time and become suspicious of every initiative taken, we cannot move forward and accomplish anything. According to Medrek, the Kenya initiative is the beginning not the end. They also stated, their initiative will not stop with the political leaders or organizations, but will expand to include all stakeholders for democratic change, including Media outlets. The objective of the Eritrean People’s Grassroots Movement is to overthrow the dictatorial regime by working and coming together based on a bottom-up strategy, a strategy that involves people at the local level. Coming and working together of political organizations is a positive addition or complement to the Grassroots movement rather than a hindrance. Since both approaches are saying let’s work together, I do not understand why there is a need of negative reaction. I understand the devil is in the details and the question becomes how to get out of the current entanglement.  

We need to give Medrek the benefit of the doubt that they will do the right thing for the sake of the country and people they fought. If all the dialogues are managed correctly and if all parties are open to new ideas, at the end I believe all will endorse the People’s Grassroots Movement, the bottom-up strategy. It must be pointed out here that our ideas are not in conflict or competion with each other but are rather complementary when it comes to the role of the people and the political organizations. 

I think, political organizations should and ought to recognize that they will not exist and succeed without the will and parcipation of the people they claim to represent. Also, it is no secret that there are some Eritrean political organizaons who are working hard to weaken the Grassroots movement for their own selfish political interest rather than for the interest of the general public. I wouldn’t name them here (since it wouldn’t be helpful), but I know and they also know who they are. If we play a positive role in helping the Forum/”Medrek N’zete” initiative to succeed based on what they have stated, I do believe eventually the political organizations will endorse the “bottom-up” strategy of the Grassroots movement. Important, the Grassroots Movement is not an alternative to the political organizations since its aim is not to hold power, but rather it is a means of expediting the downfall of the dictatorial regime, as well as it is a means to restore and protect cizens’ rights and to make sure that the Eritrean people have the last say in their future desny by establishing a government for the people by the people. It is to the benefit of the political organizations to ‘work with the people rather than against the people. It is also to the interest of the public to have sound and credible political parties with competing ideas from which the public chooses and votes during elections after a constuonal government is established in Eritrea. 

The Opposion’s Treatment to Former PFDJ Members and Scholars:

In general, I do think our treatment, hospitality and scrutiny to former EPLF/PFDJ members and Eritrean Scholars when they join the opposition seem unfair and unwise strategically. It doesn’t encourage for others to abandon the regime and join the opposition. I think we need to give credit to those who joined the opposition and focus on bringing those who are still on the sideline and still with the regime. We are pushing people away instead of enticing people to join. No one has the monopoly of becoming an opposition or adhering to standard what they wanted. I think we all failed in our human management skills and we need to check our own democratic behaviors before demanding justice from the PFDJ regime. 

The Need of Assenna and Medrek in Working Together

I am a great admirer of Amanuel Iyassu and his relentless effort in working for the sake of the Eritrean People. I had the opportunity to spend few days with him during his tour in 2014 to North America in support of the Grassroots movement that was already established in many cities in North America. I could testify that he is a man of principle with great compassion who sleeps no more than 3 hours every night. Sometimes, he calls you or emails you around 3AM of London time. He is a human machine who accomplishes multiple tasks on a daily basis for the sake of his country and the people he loves.  

I thank him for supporting the Grassroots movement, but I disagree with the spirit and tone he used on his first article regarding “Medrek N’Zete’s” initiative. I wish he didn’t use certain adjectives/words that are not helpful in promoting and advancing a civilized dialogue and constructive engagement. The opposition media outlets need to cooperate instead of competing and arguing among themselves. As a representative of friends of Assenna in Indianapolis area, I received many calls from friends of Assenna who are unhappy about the reaction of Amanuel. I think, it also shows that Amanuel is human, and that we all have our good and bad days. I think he appears to correct his tone and approach during the Smerr room discussion and his analysis was respectful even to Medrek. I agree with 90% of his analysis at the Smerr room in advocating about the need of transparency and grassroots movement. I think, it is paramount for the interest of the Grassroots movement that Assenna and Medrek resolve the appearance of feud through a civilized dialogue. 

On the posive note, Amanuel has brought the discussion to the table for us to explore whether the Medrek’s initiative is in contradiction to the Grassroots movement bottom-up strategy or not. According to Amanuel’s argument, the Kenya initiative is a top-down strategy, meaning it is an attempt to seek a solution without the involvement and participation of the people, which could potentially render us a regime change in name only. It was also argued by Dr. Tekeste that if the leaders of the polictial organizations agreed to work together, the general public does not have a problem to work together with the political organizations. In other words, one could assume that the political organizations’ leadership is one major obstacle (or one of the major obstacles) in the opposition that should be blamed for the lack of coming or working together among the people in the struggle for democratic change, thereby failing to remove the dictatorial regime. Who is right or who is wrong? Could both arguments be right or wrong or is it premature to tell which one is which? 

A Way Forward

I think we have a golden opportunity to reconcile any difference of approach or ideas on how to create a Global People’s Congress without shortcuttng the process. I also have presented a draft which is at the bottom of the page what a Global People’s Congress organizaonal structure should look like for discussion purposes . We all can agree that there is an imminent need of a Global body and the discussion is how do you formulate that body that is supported by all stakeholders (general public). This can be done through a process of constructive dialogue without accusing each other. The country and our people are in great danger and the stakes are high. We need to take the issue seriously and come to a resoluon within a short period of me. Every minute we spare, a life of an Eritrean is at stake in the hands of the dictatorial regime. The solution is in the people’s hand. If we use all our resources wisely, efficiently, and collaborate our efforts through endorsing, campaigning, participating in the bottom-up approach of the Grassroots movement, as well as through a clear objective, winnable strategy and roadmap in which all stakeholders can participate and involve, I believe it can be done. If any one has an alternative better solution, I encourage you to present it to the general public so that we can select the best solution among the available opons. 

On the Grassroots Movement Side 

1. Create local movements in all regions 

2. Elect local representatives that represent a sub-regional or regional level

3. Hold a Regional Congress and Elect Global Representatives proportionally based on the number of people who participate in the region.

4. Hold a Global People’s Congress and elects an Executive Branch whose responsibility shall be to run the different departments etc.…

For more detailed approach, please read similar articles in Fithi magazine in Tigrinya.  

On Medrek N’Zete and Political Organizations’ Side 

1. Continue the ongoing consultative process based on the stated laid out plan to bring all political organizations to work together based on an agreeable goals and strategies.

2. Discuss whether or not Medrek (the agreed political organizations) should support and endorse the bottom-up approach. If not, explain to the Eritrean people in writing your alternative solution and why you have a better solution that the Eritrean people can support in lieu of the Grassroots movement. 

3. If the political organizations support the Grassroots movement, discuss and come-up with a document that defines the role of political organizations within the grassroots movement.  

On resolving the misunderstanding between Assenna and Medrek 

As the Americans say, “we have bigger fish to fry” instead of squabbling among each other. Our main target should focus on removing the dictatorial regime and create a foundation for smooth democratic transition. I do believe there is a sense of misunderstanding that potentially could be resolved through civilized dialogue.

1. I encourage and appeal to Amanuel and Medrek to stand for your principled convictions without using words that are not helpful towards working together and the Grassroots Movement objectives.  

2. Medrek N’zete, I encourage you to keep clarifying what your end goals are about the  Kenya initiative and where your stand on the Grassroots movement (bottomup strategy). 

3. I encourage Medrek N’Zete to invite Amanuel for a meeting and resolve any misunderstanding so as to create an atmosphere of mutual respect that could lead to cooperation and mutual benefit for the sake of Eritrean people. 

4. I appeal to all Eritreans to play a positive reconcilitary role instead of adding fuel to the fire as some appears to do. Only the PFDJ regime can benefit out such kind of disagreements. 

5. I encourage Assenna, Medrek, Dimzi Delina, Radio Erena and Radio Arkobkobay and others involved in media (Radio and TV) to have a workshop to create a joint committee for the purpose of cooperating and running an effective media campaign against the dictatorial regime, as well as to help us advance the Grassroots movement, the bottom-up strategy.  

Global People’s Congress – Draft Organizational Structure for Discussion Purposes 

I appeal to readers to think the benefit for our struggle having a one body and voice with the legitmacy that can speak on behalf of the Eritrean People. Think treang our problem as a one big project with common goals, strategy, road map and work plan so that we all can contribute towards the agreed objectives. As I have stated, this is a draft that is intended to advance a discussion and to think through in how to get there and and come-up with better alternative structure.  

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Note -  Due to my time constratints, I wasn’t able to translate the article in Tigrinya.  I encourage anyone to help me translate in Tigrinia and Arabic. The same article will also be included in Fithi, Tigrinia Jan-March2016 edition.  

May Year 2016 be the year of Mutual Cooperation, Glory and Happiness! 

Happy New-Year!

Last modified on Saturday, 02 January 2016 11:40