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EPDP Central Council 4th Session and the Substance of its Message

2013-09-11 03:13:29 Written by  Published in English Articles Read 44113 times

The Eritrean People’s Democratic Party EPDP) Central Council, the Party’s legislative body, held its regular 4th session last week. Although this is a regular and constitutionally mandated session, unlike the last three sessions, this one was of earnest engagement and deliberation on many central issues (given the deteriorating situation eclipsing our country),

and notably on two central issues: one is the inaction and paralysis of the Eritrean opposition over the last two decades in the fight against the tyrannical system of PFDJ in our country, and two is the means by which such a distressing failure could be corrected, and that how can we start afresh on the long way to establishing democracy, and free our people from the shackles of injustice and servitude.

On the substantive theme of the deliberation, the Council has proposed an all-inclusive seminar, a setting where the Eritrean opposition groups would be able to debate and take concrete measures that would enable them to build their legitimacy, create collective impact, empower the general populace, connect with Eritrean people’s true and shared grievances and aspirations, and to break the barrier befalling Eritrean people not by loyalty, but by the PFDJ instruments of fear and campaign of terror.

In proposing such a seminar (see below), the EPDP Council is not promoting a specific banner, but solely a democratic and collaborative one that would enable to depose Issais and his cabal who are incessantly crushing the will of the Eritrean people. Second, this proposal is not a new by any stretch of imagination, but it is a timely and an inclusive one that must be taken seriously now and not later.

Convening an All-inclusive Seminar

The seminar would consist of the National Council for Democratic Change, the Eritrean National Forum for Dialogue, EPDP, including other Eritrean political groups and civil society organizations that are not represented in the National Council for Democratic Change and/or are operating independently. This seminar is not intended to be a duplication of the one held by EMDHR in Pretoria, South Africa in May 2014 or others, but it is a proposal to correspond, complement, and potentially broaden issues discussed in those seminars in a manner that would enhance inclusiveness, as well as to give space and voice for those who did not attend in those seminars. The principal idea of the proposal is to end the standstill and paralysis of the Eritrean opposition, collectively and sincerely, face our failures/weaknesses, and find a way to truly reflect the purpose of our existence in a decisive manner. This can only happen by coming together, and debating, rethinking, and reforming of our direction in a united and collaborative approach with the objective of not only to exist,, but to strive in the struggle against the PFDJ regime.  

Bringing Together Organizations Whose Political Persuasions are the Same

It is EPDP’s principle and a proven history that political groups whose political views, principles, and persuasions are the same should unite and become one. This principle eliminates the unnecessary proliferation of groupies in the Eritrean political landscape that has been setting not only a series of resistance from the Eritrean people, but also a card that has been continuously played by the PFDJ regime to perpetuate its dictatorship in our country. Understanding this, EPDP Central Council in its 4th session reiterates and underscores its intention to raise awareness among the public on the need to bring together all political groups that advocate the same political principles. Again, this strategy would eliminate the longstanding and unnecessary divisions among those who claim the same vision on one hand, and that would also rally and inspire Eritrean people who consistently kept demanding the merger of political groups that uphold the same principle on the other hand.

Designing a United and Collaborative Strategy

The Central Council also addressed the grassroots movement being waged by Eritrean pro change/democracy youth and women organizations worldwide. The Council recognizes that such movements are making a positive stride in the struggle against the PFDJ regime in our country. But the Council also sees the need for a joint strategy among the diverse movements operating worldwide. Therefore, in order to translate the grassroots movement of the people into a worthwhile reality, EPDP Central Council calls for a strategy that would enable them to wage the struggle in a united and collaborative approach.

Reaching Out ex-PFDJ Members

The premise is that Eritrean opposition forces must reach out Eritrean people, including members of PFDJ (ex- members and current ones) regime if they want to depose Issais’ regime from power. After all, when we talk about building a bridge between homeland and Diaspora, partly we are talking about reaching out members of PFDJ and others who could potentially be part of the opposition in the homeland against the PFDJ regime. What the Council underlined in its discussion is that we must eliminate the fear of vengeances and retributions that may prevent PFDJ members from joining the opposition. Again, all the main institutions upon which the PFDJ regime relies for its existence are run by the very group that we are trying to reach out and eventually convince them to disassociate themselves from the tyrannical regime. Again, it is befitting to talk about the PFDJ members as they are the umbilical cord that holds the system running.      

Last modified on Thursday, 21 August 2014 15:48