Submission Guidelines

The website was constructed for the purpose of conducting a free spirited and constructive discussions and exchange of ideas amongst individuals and groups with different ideas.  All ideas that are rooted in a concept are welcomed.  There are no bad ideas but bad judgments. We also have the right to reject writings with ill intent; distorting facts, writings that attack personalities, writings that are divisive, writings that are based on hate, writings that have no verification of real address and identity.

We encourage all contributors to engage with a spirit of respect for every contributor, accept difference of ideas, focus on solution finding, bring alternative ideas, and applying a unifying tone.

We will accept articles written with Ms Word or PDF. If you would like to send pictures, you can do so as attachment. Please do not embed them inside a document.


Please submit articles to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..